Holy Family Public School

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Holy Family Public School, Chittar is an English Medium School affiliated to Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), which is an internationally accepted system of education. The School is managed by Jeevodaya Educational Agency, Congregation of the Holy Family (CHF).The CHF was founded in 1914,in Kerala, by Blessed Mariam Thresia, who is pioneer in the field of family apostolate in the country. Mother Mariam Thressia was a woman of prophetic vision and divine mission whose activities were centered mainly on families. Blessed Mariam Thressia (1876-1926), foundress of Holy Family Congregation, lived at a time when women in Kerala were strictly confined to family circle. Filled with love of God and love for man she went against the existing social customs and regulations and dedicated herself in serving individuals and families beset with problems. She started a school in 1915 for training up God fearing and integrated persons who would be builders of ideal families and society for the future generations. It is this vision of Mother Mariam Thressia,which is the inspiration behind the starting of Holy Family Public School by CHF Jeevodaya Province.Mission Our Mission is to train Children for achieving high academic and ethical standards through value based quality education.Vision Create a better world of enlightened and integrated citizens and mould ideal families by imparting knowledge of God and value - based quality education